Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What is NaNoWriMo?

What is National Novel Writing Month?

Find out about this fun and challenging bid to write 50,000 words of your novel during the month of November.

Find out more HERE

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Grammar is Important!

Charles Whipple over on the Black Horse Westerns Yahoo Group emailed us with this piece of sound advice. It made me laugh out loud!

Grammar is important. 'Helping your Uncle Jack off a horse' is most definitely not the same as 'helping your uncle jack off a horse!'

Thanks, Charles

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Meet Bobby Nash

Meet fellow writer Bobby Nash in a fascinating interview with Writers News Weekly.
Keep up the good work, Bobby!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Edge is Back!

Read about the exciting return of the Edge Western novels. What makes this even more interesting is that this return of the popular series is being spearheaded by no other than Gary Dobbs / Jack Martin who is no greenhorn when it comes to churning out a riveting Black Horse Western himself.

Read all about it at Garys blog The Tainted Archive

E-Book Revolution?

An interesting article on the 'death of traditional publishing' debate triggered by the news that the marketing guru Seth Godin has abandoned hard print. Gives valuable insight on how authors can make money via various channels.

Real food for thought...

Sunday, October 3, 2010

True Grit Trailer

Check out the trailer of the new Coen Brothers version of the classic True Grit movie.

Looking forward to it!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Read a Review of Gun Law

See a review of Gun Law at Western Fiction Review.

Still Time To Enter Rope and Wire Short Story Competition...

A great website Rope and Wire describes itself as 'a gathering place for Western Writers, Cowboy Poets and Old Western Movie Buffs.'

It's currently running a short story competition which is open until 31st December, 2010 so still plenty of time to get your entry in.

Even if you have no intention of entering the competition, it's still well worth a visit. Have a look and you'll see what I mean...

Gun Law Now In Large Print Edition!

Gun Law is now available in large print courtesy of Linford Western Library, an imprint of F.A. Thorpe. It was officially released on Amazon yesterday.

A couple of days ago, a parcel was delivered with three complimentary copies and I must admit, it was a real thrill to hold this new edition in my hands.
I look forward to seeing it in libraries soon!